математической модели грузового автомобиля «Урал» с колесной формулой 4×4
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Полный текст:
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Jacenko, N.N. Kolebanija, prochnost' i forsirovannye ispytanija gruzovyh avtomobilej [Vibrations, strength and stress testing of the trucks]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1972. 372 p.
Dubrovskij A.F., Dubrovskaja O.A., Dubrovskij S.A., Aljukov S.V. [On the analytic representation of elastic-dissipative characteristics of the vehicle suspension]. Vestnik Sibirskoj gosudarstvennoj avtomobil'no-dorozhnoj akademii [Bulletin of the Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy], 2010, no. 16, pp. 23–26. (in Russ.)
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