«Bulletin of the South Ural State University», series «Mathematics. Mechanics. Physics» is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes articles, reviews, and brief communications on the topical issues of mathematics, mechanics, and physics of the Russian and foreign scientists, members of SUSU, other universities, and scientific and research organizations of Russia on a gratuitous basis.
Full version of the article is published in the Internet on the official website of the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU), in the section «Bulletin of the South Ural State University» on the official SUSU website.
The series was founded in 2009 and was the continuation of the series «Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry» which has been being published since 2001.
The subscription index of the Bulletin through the union catalogue «Russian Press» is 29211, through the Internet catalogue of the «Kniga-Servis» agency - Е29211.
The publication frequency of the series is 4 issues a year.
The capacity is 70—80 pages, size А4.
The founder of the series is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education South Ural State University.
By the decision of the General Committee of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as of February 19, 2010 the issue of the series No.6/6 was registered in the «Catalogue of the Leading Peer-Reviewed Journals Where the Chief Scientific Results of the Theses in Candidacy for a Degree Should Be Published».
The journal is represented:
1) in the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU);
2) in the specialized database «Russian List of Journals Indexed»;
The information on the publications is annually placed in the international reference system on periodical and serial publications «Ulricht's Periodicals Directory».
The series is registered in the International Center ISSN, ISSN number is 2075-809Х (Print).
The main objective of the series «Mathematics. Mechanics. Physics» is the publication of the full results of the scientific researches in the field of mathematics, mechanics, and physics, as well as their application in the natural, technical, and economic sciences, as considered by the editorial board and editorial team.
The above mentioned results can be represented in the form of overview articles, full publications, and short messages (for young scientists, master degree students and post graduate students).
The priority right for publication belongs to:
1) the post graduate students and PhD students and their results of scientific researches;
2) the members of SUSU and their results of scientific researches with the support of the scientific funds of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.