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Ul’rikh D.V., Arkanova I.A. Obosnovaniye proyektnykh resursosberegayushchikh resheniy v vodokho-zyaystvennom komplekse promyshlennykh predpriyatiy. Chast’1. Sovremennyye tekhnologii i apparaturnoye ofor-mleniye v sisteme promyshlennogo vodosnabzheniya [Justification of Design Resource-Saving Solutions in the Water Management Complex of Industrial Enterprises. Part 1. Modern Technologies and Hardware Design in the Industrial Water Supply System]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2016. 119 p.
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Arkanova I.A., Noskov A.A. [Reconstruction of a Coastal Pumping Station, Combined with a Water In-take, without Stopping the Work of PJSC “Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant”]. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Construction Engineering and Architecture, 2016, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 52–57. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.14529/build160409.
Aksenov V.I. [The Closed Water Management System of the Verkh-Isetsk Metallurgical Plant is 40 Years Old]. Stal’, 2014, no. 8, pp. 104. (in Russ.)
Likhachev N.I., Larin I.I., Khaskin S.A. Kanalizatsiya naselennykh mest promyshlennykh predpriyatiy [Sewerage of Populated Areas of Industrial Enterprises]. Moscow, Stroyizdat Publ., 2011. 639 p.
Smirnov D.N., Genkin V.E. Ochistka stochnykh vod v protsessakh obrabotki metallov [Wastewater Treatment in Metal Working Processes]. Moscow, Metallurgiya, 2012, 225 p.
Ryabchikov B.E. Sovremennaya vodopodgotovka [Modern Water Treatment]. Moscow, 2013. 680 p.
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Aksenov V.I., Sheklein S.E., Podbereznyy V.L. Travil’no-regeneratsionnyye kompleksy [Pickling and Regeneration Complexes]. Moscow, Teplotekhnik Publ., 2006. 237 p.
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Voskoboynikov V.G., Kudrin V.A., Yakushev A.M. Obshchaya metallurgiya [General Metallurgy]. Mos-cow, IKTs Akademkniga Publ., 2002. 768 p.
Leonov L.I., Yusfin Yu.S., Chernousov P.I. [Waste: Impact on the Environment and Ways of Disposal]. Ekologiya i promyshlennost’ Rossii [Ecology and Industry of Russia], 2003, no. 3, pp. 32–35. (in Russ.)
Klyayn S.E., Voronov V.V., Aksenov V.I. Ekologicheskiye problemy v metallurgii. Stochnyye vody [Envi-ronmental Problems in Metallurgy. Waste Water]. Ekaterinburg, UGTU-UPI Publ., 2005. 441 p.
Yakovlev S.V., Voronov Yu.V. Vodootvedeniye i ochistka stochnykh vod [Water Disposal and Wastewa-ter Treatment]. Moscow, ASV Publ., 2004. 704 p.
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Ul’rikh, D.V., Arkanova I.A. Obosnovaniye proyektnykh resursosberegayushchikh resheniy v vodokho-zyaystvennom komplekse promyshlennykh predpriyatiy. Chast’2. Sovremennyye tekhnologii i apparaturnoye ofor-mleniye v sisteme promyshlennogo vodootvedeniya [Justification of Design Resource-Saving Solutions in the Wa-ter Management Complex of Industrial Enterprises. Part 2. Modern Technologies and Instrumentation in the Indus-trial Drainage System].Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2016. 132 p.
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