Рассмотрены особенности морфологии минералов магнезиального вяжущего, по-
лучаемого при обжиге доломита в присутствии добавок-интенсификаторов. Выявлено,
что периклаз и кальцит формируются мелкокристаллическими, периклаз имеет иска-
женную кристаллическую решетку. Выдвинуто предположение, что выявленные осо-
бенности морфологии обеспечивают магнезиальному вяжущему из доломита проч-
ность, близкую к прочности вяжущих из магнезита и брусита.
Полный текст:
Woon Kyoung Park, Sang-Jin Ko, Seung Woo Lee, Kye-Hong Cho, Ji-Whan Ahn, Choon Han. Effects of
magnesium chloride and organic additives on the synthesis of aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate. Journal of
Crystal Growth, 2008, no. 310, pp. 2593–2601.
Galai H., Pijolat M., Nahdi K., Trabelsi-Ayadi M. Mechanism of growth of MgO and CaCO3 during a
dolomite partial decomposition. Solid State Ionics, 2007, vol. 178, iss. 15–18, pp. 1039–1047.
Samtani M., Dollimore D., Wilburn F.W., Alexander K. Isolation and identification of the intermediate
and final products in the thermal decomposition of dolomite in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Thermochimica
Acta, 2001, vol. 367–368, pp. 285–295.
Nosov A.V., Chernykh T.N., Kramar L.Ya. [The effectiveness of various additives of intensifiers during
firing of the Dolomites]. Stroitel'nye materialy [Building materials], 2014, no. 6, pp. 7174 (in Russ.).
Nosov A.V., Chernykh T.N., Kramar L.Ya., Gamaliy E.A. [High strength dolomite astringent]. Bulletin of
the South Ural State University. Ser. Construction and Architecture, 2013, vol. 13. no. 1, pp. 3037 (in Russ.).
Gorshkov V.S., Timashev V.V., Savel'ev V.G. Metody fiziko-himicheskogo analiza vjazhushhih veshhestv
[Methods of physical-chemical analysis of binding agents]. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1981. 335 p.1. Woon Kyoung Park, Sang-Jin Ko, Seung Woo Lee, Kye-Hong Cho, Ji-Whan Ahn, Choon Han. Effects of
magnesium chloride and organic additives on the synthesis of aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate. Journal of
Crystal Growth, 2008, no. 310, pp. 2593–2601.
Galai H., Pijolat M., Nahdi K., Trabelsi-Ayadi M. Mechanism of growth of MgO and CaCO3 during a
dolomite partial decomposition. Solid State Ionics, 2007, vol. 178, iss. 15–18, pp. 1039–1047.
Samtani M., Dollimore D., Wilburn F.W., Alexander K. Isolation and identification of the intermediate
and final products in the thermal decomposition of dolomite in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Thermochimica
Acta, 2001, vol. 367–368, pp. 285–295.
Nosov A.V., Chernykh T.N., Kramar L.Ya. [The effectiveness of various additives of intensifiers during
firing of the Dolomites]. Stroitel'nye materialy [Building materials], 2014, no. 6, pp. 7174 (in Russ.).
Nosov A.V., Chernykh T.N., Kramar L.Ya., Gamaliy E.A. [High strength dolomite astringent]. Bulletin of
the South Ural State University. Ser. Construction and Architecture, 2013, vol. 13. no. 1, pp. 3037 (in Russ.).
Gorshkov V.S., Timashev V.V., Savel'ev V.G. Metody fiziko-himicheskogo analiza vjazhushhih veshhestv
[Methods of physical-chemical analysis of binding agents]. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1981. 335 p.
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