Нелокальный подход к оценке конструкционной прочности тканевых композитов

С. Б. Сапожников


Generalized variant of nonlocal kinetic approach to the evaluation of fibrous composites structural strength was offered. Size of area for averaging («smearing») the stresses in the region of concentrator is determined as the inefficient length of thread, which depends on the level of mechanical-chemical interaction of matrix and surface of filament. Inefficient length is defined, as a rule, experimentally and greatly depends on climatic parameters of ambience. Element of layered structure with the any form concentrator substitutes as a group of finite elements with sizes, equal of inefficient length of thread. Under model loading up to its fracture there is analysis of stress-strain-state kinetics, accumulation of dispersed microdamaging into each finite element, fiber rotation at the large strains. Proposed nonlocal approach is prepared in the program for PC, using finite element method with variable elastic parameters of material on each step of loading. Comparison of experimental and calculated fracture stresses of the plates made of different composites (carbon-, glass-, organic fibers and hybrids) with complex stacking sequences and sharp (crack-like) notches was conducted. There is satisfactory correspondence.

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