Применение третичной структуры алгебраической байесовской сети в задаче апостериорного вывода
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Полный текст:
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Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L. The Algebraic Bayesian Network Tertiary Structure. Informatics and Automation. 2011. No. 18. P. 164–187. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15622/sp.18.7.
Frolenkov K.V., Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Posteriori inference in tertiary polystructure of an algebraic Bayesian network. Informatics and Automation. 2012. No. 23. P. 343–356. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15622/sp.23.17.
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Tulupyev A.L. Algebraic Bayesian Networks: Local Logical and Probabilistic Inference. SPb.: Anatolia Publishing House LLC, 2007. 80 p. (in Russian).
Tulupyev A.L. Bayesian Networks: Logic-probabilistic Inference in Cycles. SPb.: St. Petersburg University Press, 2008. 140 p. Elements of Soft Computing. (in Russian).
Filchenkov A.A., Frolenkov K.V., Sirotkin A.V., Tulupyev A.L. Minimal join graph subsets synthesis system. Informatics and Automation. 2013. No. 27. P. 200–244. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15622/sp.27.17.
Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Algorithm for detection of algebraic Bayesian network primary structure acyclicity based on its quaternary structure. Informatics and Automation. 2011. No. 19. P. 128–145. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15622/sp.19.7.
Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Connectivity and Acyclicity of the Primary Structure of an Algebraic Bayesian Network. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy. 2013. No. 1. P. 110–119. (in Russian).
Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Minimal joint graph structure synthesis. Informatics and Automation. 2009. No. 11. P. 104–129. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15622/sp.11.6.
Sirotkin A.V., Tulupyev A.L. Knowledge and reasoning with uncertainty modeling: matrix-and-vector calculus for local reconciliation of truth estimates. Informatics and Automation. 2011. No. 18. P. 108–135. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15622/sp.18.5.
Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Algorithm for Detection Algebraic Bayesian Network Primary Structure Acyclicity Based on Number of Minimal Join Graph Edges Estimating. Informatics and Automation. 2012. No. 22. P. 205–223. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15622/sp.22.11.
Tulupyev A.L., Sirotkin A.V. Local Posterior Inference in Algebraic Bayesian Networks as a System of Matrix-and-vector Operations. Integrated Models and Soft Computing in Artificial Intelligence. V-th International Scientific and Practical Conference, September 9–12, 2009. Collection of scientific works. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. SPb.: Nauka, 2012. P. 425–434. (in Russian).
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Tulupyev A.L., Sirotkin A.V., Nikolenko S.I. Bayesian Belief Networks: Logical and Probabilistic Inference in Acyclic Directed Graphs. SPb.: St. Petersburg University Press, 2009. 400 p. (in Russian).
Web application for algebraic Bayesian networks. URL: https://abn.dscs.pro/ (accessed: 09.03.2023).
Automated ABN algorithms using tertiary structure, in particular – global a posterior inference. URL: https://abn.dscs.pro/parent_separators_graph (accessed: 09.03.2023).
Automated ABN algorithms working with the primary structure, in particular – check acyclicity. URL: https://abn.dscs.pro/primary_structure (accessed: 09.03.2023).
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14529/cmse230104