Intermediate Fusion Approach for Pneumonia Classification on Imbalanced Multimodal Data

Olga N. Ivanova, Artem V. Melekhin, Elena V. Ivanova, Sachin Kumar, Mikhail L. Zymbler


In medical practice, the primary diagnosis of diseases should be carried out quickly and, if possible, automatically. The processing of multimodal data in medicine has become a ubiquitous technique in the classification, prediction and detection of diseases. Pneumonia is one of the most common lung diseases. In our study, we used chest X-ray images as the first modality and the results of laboratory studies on a patient as the second modality to detect pneumonia. The architecture of the multimodal deep learning model was based on intermediate fusion. The model was trained on balanced and imbalanced data when the presence of pneumonia was determined in 50% and 9% of the total number of cases, respectively. For a more objective evaluation of the results, we compared our model performance with several other open-source models on our data. The experiments demonstrate the high performance of the proposed model for pneumonia detection based on two modalities even in cases of imbalanced classes (up to 96.6%) compared to single-modality models’ results (up to 93.5%). We made several integral estimates of the performance of the proposed model to cover and investigate all aspects of multimodal data and architecture features. There were accuracy, ROC AUC, PR AUC, F1 score, and the Matthews correlation coefficient metrics. Using various metrics, we proved the possibility and meaningfulness of the usage of the proposed model, aiming to properly classify the disease. Experiments showed that the performance of the model trained on imbalanced data was even slightly higher than other models considered.

Ключевые слова

multimodal model; intermediate fusion; pneumonia; deep learning; imbalanced data

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