Обеспечение оперативного контроля и эффективной автономной работы Суперкомпьютерного комплекса МГУ
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Antonov A.S., Voevodin Vad.V., Voevodin Vl.V., Zhumatiy S.A., Nikitenko D.A., Sobolev S.I., Stefanov K.S., Shvets P.A. Razrabotka printsipov postroeniya i realizatsiya prototipa sistemy obespecheniya operativnogo kontrolya i effektivnoy avtonomnoy raboty superkomp'yuternykh kompleksov [Securing of Reliable and Efficient Autonomous Functioning of Supercomputers: Basic Principles and System Prototype] // Vestnik UGATU [Vestnik UGATU]. 2014. Vol. 18. No. 2. P. 227–236.
Sobolev S.I. Superkomp'yuter v shtatnom rezhime [Supercomputer in Regular Condi-tions] // Otkrytye sistemy [Open Systems]. 2014. No. 8.
Shvets P.A., Voevodin V.V., Sobolev S.I. Ob odnom podkhode k modelirovaniyu superkomp'yuternykh kompleksov [On a One Approach to Supercomputers Simulation] // Nauchnyy servis v seti Internet: mnogoobrazie superkomp'yuternykh mirov: Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy superkomp'yuternoy konferentsii (22-27 sentyabrya 2014 g., g. No-vorossiysk) [Internet Services & Internet: Variety of Supercomputing Worlds. Interna-tional supercomputing Conference Proceedings, Sep 22-27, 2014, Novorossiysk]. Izd-vo MGU, Moskva [MSU Publishing, Moscow]. 2014. P. 197–204.
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Programmnoe obespechenie kompanii T-Platformy [T-Platforms Software]. URL: http://www.t-platforms.ru/products/software.html (accessed: 06.04.2015).
Voevodin Vad V., Stefanov K.S. Avtomaticheskoe opredelenie i opisanie setevoy infrastruktury superkomp'yuterov [Automated Detection and Description of Supercomputer Network Structure] // Vychislitel'nye metody i programmirovanie: Novye vychislitel'nye tekhnologii (Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal) [Numerical Methonds and Programming. Scientific on-line open access journal]. 2014. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 560–568.
Polnyy iskhodnyy kod Octotron [Octotron Source Code]. URL: https://github.com/srcc-msu/octotron_core (accessed: 06.04.2015).
Rabochee okruzhenie Octotron dlya sozdaniya modeli na yazyke Python [Octrotron Environment]. URL: https://github.com/srcc-msu/octotron (accessed: 06.04.2015).
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14529/cmse150203