Virtualization of Heterogeneous HPC-clusters Based on OpenStack Platform
We address to a problem of an integration of heterogeneous computing clusters to the united environment based on a virtualization technology. We select the software OpenStack as a platform for managing the virtual environment. The platform OpenStack provides a wide range of components and solutions for a functional interaction with different hypervisors. These include KVM, XEN, ESXi, QEMU and other systems. In addition to the platform OpenStack, we developed the specialized hypervisor shell. It provides a virtual machines run from queues of the traditional resource management systems, such as PBS, SLURM, LSF or SGE, that are used on clusters of a center of collective usage. The developed model of the resource allocation for virtual machines allows us jointly to use the knowledge about the job requests, resource characteristics and current state of the environment, and the expertise of it administrators. The realized tools provide the capability for the "painless" integration of heterogeneous clusters with the preinstalled local resource managers to the virtual cluster with the required configuration. Extensive modeling show that the hypervisor shell can improve an efficiency of integrated environment nodes through reallocating virtual machines to queues of the traditional resource management systems.
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