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Welcome to our website!
The Series “Computer Technology, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics” was established in 2001 and is presented in four issues per year now.
The main purpose of the editorial board of the series "Computer Technologies, Automatic Control, Radio Electronics" is to promote new scientific achievements and practical developments on topical problems of computer technologies, control and radio electronics, which contribute to the improvement of scientific and practical qualifications of researchers.
The scientific concept of publication involves the publication of modern achievements in such areas as:
Computer science and computer technology;
Automated process control systems;
Aircraft control systems;
Information and measurement technology;
Radio engineering complexes;
Antenna technique;
Infocommunication technologies;
Systems of automated control of enterprises in industry.
Original articles, results of experimental research, review and analytical articles, as well as articles in the form of brief statements (for young scientists, postgraduate students and master 's degrees) are accepted for publication.
The journal is included in the List of the Highest Certifying Commission in the following scientific specialties and their corresponding branches of science:
05.13.01 - System analysis, control and processing of information (for industry) (technical sciences);
05.13.06 - Automation and control of technological processes and production (for industry) (technical sciences);
05.13.10 - Control in social and economic systems (technical sciences).
We invite all authors who share the goals and objectives of our journal to cooperate!
“Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series Computer Technology, Aotimatic Control, Radio Electronics”
Editorial Board