Функциональность и технологии алгебраических решателей в библиотеке Krylov
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Полный текст:
Butyugin D.S., Il’in V.P., Itskovich Y.A., et al. Krylov: biblioteka algoritmov i programm dlya resheniya SLAU [Krylov: library of algorithms and programs for SLAEs solution]. Sovremennye problemy matematicheskogo modelirovaniya. Matematicheskoe modelirovaniye, chislennye metody i compleksy programm. Sbornik trudov Vserossiyskikh nauchnykh molodezhnykh shkol [Modern problems of mathematical simulation. Mathematical simulation, numerical methods and program complexes. All-Russian young scientists schools proceedings]. Rostov-na-Donu, Publishing of South Federal University, 2009. P. 110–128.
Butyugin D.S. Metody parallelnogo resheniya SLAU na systemakh s raspredelennoy pamatyu v biblioteke Krylov [Methods of parallel SLAEs solution on the systems with distributed memory in Krylov library]. Vestnik YUURGU. Seriya “Vychislitelnaya matematika i informatika” [Bulletin of South Ural State University. Seriers: Computational Mathematics and Software Engineering], 2012. No. 47(306). P. 5–19.
Il’in V.P. Metody konechnykh raznostey i konechnykh objemov dlya ellipticheskikh uravnenij [Methods of finite differences and finite volumes for elliptic equations] [Methods and technologies of finite elements]. Novosibirsk, ICM&MG SBRAS Publishing, 2001.
Il’in V.P. Metody i tekhnologii konechnykh elementov [Methods and technologies of finite elements]. Novosibirsk, ICM&MG SBRAS Publishing, 2007.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14529/cmse130307