Hierarchical Model of Architecture of Supercomputer Systems for Comparison and Ranking

Dmitry A. Nikitenko


The task of comparing the capabilities of computing systems with each other and forming various ratings has many possible goals. Here, there is the identification of trends, the promotion of proven general-purpose architectures, and the demonstration of superiority in a certain class of tasks, etc. It is, of course, not enough to describe the achieved performance for all these purposes, various rankings and comparisons use different levels of abstraction and generalization up to that level, which would allow to associate the identified performance indicators with certain features of the system. In practice, descriptions of the architectural peculiarities of systems in ratings are rather scarce, and the authors of the work solve the problem of development a formal description of computer systems of a relatively high level, which, at the same time, would allow to increase the required level of detail, corresponding to the goals of applied research. Such a hierarchical system description model has been proposed and tested on well-known systems from the Top50 and Top500 lists.

Ключевые слова

model of a supercomputer system; description of the architecture of supercomputer systems; comparison of performance of computing systems; performance ratings

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14529/cmse220401