Оперативное управление технологическими сетями тепло- и пароснабжения производственных ме-таллургических комплексов
The paper seeks to increase efficiency of operational control of distributed technological heat and steam supply networks in metallurgical production complexes based on dynamic macro-modeling of network modes under structural switching and sharply variable loads. It suggests solving problems of resource flows stabilization in a technological network by solving the equations of inverse problems of network dynamics and using calculated contours of stream disturbance rearrangement. It is advisable to construct flow disturbance parading algorithms in a process network using inverse models of path dynamics of input control streams to input nodes of flow disturbances in the network. The paper presents a software macro model that allows modeling static and dynamic modes of steam and heat supply systems, control of charging and discharge processes of steam accumulators. The controlled parameter of the model is the steam pressure in the battery. The steam pressure in the accumulator is limited by means of a special pressure regulator, which is adjusted to a minimum of steam losses on the plug at its excess in the network. This software macro model allows modeling the operation of consumers with a sharply expressed variable load.
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Полный текст:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14529/power200401
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