Электропривод с синхронной реактивной машиной независимого возбуждения
Полный текст:
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Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N. Electric Drive with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Russian Electrical Engineering, 2013, no. 3, pp. 37–43.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N. Parametric Optimization of Speed-Controlled Electric Drives, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2012, no. 37 (296), pp. 30–33.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Vinogradov K.M., Gorozhankin A,N. Specific Indicators of the Electric Drive with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2008, no. 11 (111), pp. 52–53.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Vinogradov K.M. Electric Drives and Generators with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Electrical Technology Russia, 2007, no. 3. pp. 21–26.
Usynin U.S., Moniuszko N.D., Karavaev G.V., Grigorev M.A. The Elecric Drive with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering". 2001, no. 4 (4), pp. 70–76.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Vinogradov K.M., Gorozhankin A.N., Chupin S.A. Synchronous Reluctance Machine [Sinkhronnaya reaktivnaya mashina], patent 2346376, 2007.
Usynin U.S., Butakov S.M., Grigorev M.A., Vinogradov K.M., Synchronous Reluctance Generator of off-line Power Installation and Method for Controlling it [Sinkhronnyy reaktivnyy generator avtonomnoy energeticheskoy ustanovki i sposob upravleniya im], Patent 2240640, Russian Federation.
Grigorev M.A. Bychkov A.E. The Linear Density of the Surface Current in the Energy-saving Motor Drives with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2010, no. 32 (208), pp. 46–51.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N., Bychkov A.E., Belousov E.V. The Development of Methods for the Synthesis of Frequency Drives with Synchronous Machines, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2011, no. 34 (251), pp. 21–27.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N Electric Drive with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Russian Electrical Engineering, 2013, no. 3. pp. 37-43.
Usinin U.S., Grigoryev M.A., Shishkov A.N., Bychkov A.E., Gladyshev S.P, The Losses in Control Electric Drives of Transport Mechanisms at Different Controlled Laws, The book: SAE 2011 World Congress and Exhibition Detroit, MI, 2011.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N., Gorozhankin A.N. Losses in the Regulated Electric Drive for Different Control Laws, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2010, no. 14 (190), pp. 47–51.
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Grigorev M.A. Limiting Сapabilities of Electric Drive with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2009, no. 34 (167), pp. 51– 55.
Popov V.I., Akhunov T.A., Macarov L.N. Modern Asynchronous Electric Drives: The new Russian Series RA. [Sovremennyye asinkhronnyye elektricheskiye mashiny: Novaya Rossiyskaya seriya RA] Moscow, 1999. 256 p.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N. The Frequency Response of the Torque Control Channel in Synchronous Electric Drive, Electrical Technology Russia, 2012, no. 4, pp. 54–59.
Usynin U.S., Lokhov S.P., Grigorev M.A., Belousov E.V. Electric Drives with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine for Cold Rolling Tube Mill, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2012, no. 16 (275), pp. 107– 110.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Vinogradov K.M., Gorozhankin A.N., Shishkov A.N., Bychkov A.E., Valov A.V. Synchronous Reluctance Machine [Sinkhronnaya reaktivnaya mashina] patent 2422972, 2009.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N. Gorozhankin A.N. Synthesis of Motor Control with the Field Regulated Reluctance Machine, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2012, no. 37 (296), pp. 38–41.
Usynin U.S., Grigorev M.A., Shishkov A.N., Kashaev D.I. Energy Saving in Electric Forced-draft Mechanisms Multiply Objects, Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Power Engineering", 2011., no. 15 (232). pp. 40–45.
Usynin U.S., Valov A.V., Kozina T. A., Grigorev M.A., Vinogradov K.M., Gorozhankin A.N, Shishkov A.N. Asynchronous Motor with the Wound Rotor [Asinkhronnyy elektroprivod s faznym rotorom], patent 2408973, 2009.
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