Исследование системы автоматической коррекции толщины полосы на широкополосном стане горячей прокатки
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Shiljaev P.V., Golovin V.V., Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R. Modernization Experience Thyristor Broadband of Hot Rolling Mill, Trudy II Vserossijskoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Problemy elektrotehniki, elektrojenergetiki i elektrotehnologii» [Proceedings II All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Problems of Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Electrical"], Tolyatti, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 353–356.
Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Shemetova A.A., Golovin V.V., Shiljaev P.V., Judin A.Ju. Feasibility Study of the Reconstruction of Electric Mill 2000 with the Replacement of the Control System and the Preservation of the Power Unit, Steel [Stal], 2009, no.3, p. 95.
Hramshin V.R. Development and Introduction of the Automated Electric Drives and Control Systems of Technological Parameters of the Wide Strip Hot Rolling Mill, Vestnik IGJeU [Journal ISPU], 2012, no. 6 pp. 100–104.
Hramshin V.R. Improvement of Electric Drives and Control Systems of Technological Parameters of the Wide Strip Hot Rolling Mill with the Expansion of the Assortment of Strips [Sovershenstvovanie elektroprivodov i sistem regulirovanija tehnologicheskih parametrov shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki pri rasshirenii sortamenta polos]. Trudy VII mezhdunarodnoj (XVIII vserossijskoj) nauchno-tehnicheskoj tonferencii po avtomatizirovannomu jelektroprivodu [Proceedings of the VII International (XVIII All-Russian) Scientific and Technical Conference on Automated Electric], Ivanovo, ISPU, 2012, pp. 561–565.
Hramshin V.R., Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Andrjushin I.Ju., Petrjakov S.A. Improvement of Automatic Control Thickness Wide Hot Rolling Mill [Sovershenstvovanie sistemy avtomaticheskogo regulirovanija tolshhiny shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Trudy VII mezhdunarodnoj (XVIII vserossijskoj) nauchno-tehnicheskoj tonferencii po avtomatizirovannomu jelektroprivodu [Proceedings of the VII International (XVIII All-Russian) Scientific and Technical Conference on Automated Electric], Ivanovo, ISPU, 2012, pp. 556–561.
Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Shiljaev P.V., Andrjushin I.Ju., Golovin V.V. A System of Mutual Control Tension and Thickness of Broadband Hot Rolling Mill [Sistema vzaimnogo regulirovanija natjazhenija i tolshhiny shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Trudy V mezhdunarodnoj (XVI vserossijskoj) nauchno-tehnicheskoj tonferencii po avtomatizirovannomu jelektroprivodu [Proceedings of the V International (XVI All-Russian) Scientific and Technical Conference on Automated Electric], St. Petersburg, 2007, pp. 410–413.
Karandaev A.S., Osipov O.I., Hramshin V.R. High-Speed Automatic Tension Control and Loop Broadband Hot Rolling Mill [Bystrodejstvujushhaja sistema avtomaticheskogo regulirovanija natjazhenija i petli shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Trudy IV mezhdunarodnoj (XV vserossijskoj) nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii po avtomatizirovannomu jelektroprivodu [Proceedings of the V International (XVI All-Russian) Scientific and Technical Conference on Automated Electric], Magnitogorsk, vol. 2, 2004, pp. 60–66.
Petrjakov S.A., Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R. The Basic Principles of the SART Continuous Hot Rolling Mill [Osnovnye principy postroenija SART nepreryvnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov «Elektrotehnicheskie sistemy i kompleksy» [Interuniversity Collection of Scientific Papers "Electrical Systems and Complexes"], Magnitogorsk, MGTU, 2008, vol. 15, pp. 142–148.
Petrjakov S.A., Hramshin V.R. The Automatic Thickness Control Broadband Hot Rolling Mill [Sistema avtomaticheskogo regulirovanija tolshhiny shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Trudy III Vserossijskoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem "Eelektroprivod, elektrotehnologii i elektrooborudovanie predprijatij" [Proceedings III All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Electric, Electrical Technology and Electrical Companies"], Ufa, 2011, pp. 263–268.
Hramshin V.R., Petrjakov S.A., Karandaev A.S. Thickness Measurement in SART Broadband Hot Rolling Mill [Izmerenie tolshhiny v SART shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Trudy 9-j Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov, aspirantov i specialistov "Energetiki i metallurgi nastojashhemu budushhemu Rossii" [Proceedings the 9th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Professionals "Energy and Metallurgy Really the Future of Russia"], Magnitogorsk, 2008, pp. 63–65.
Hramshin V.R., Andrjushin I.Ju., Shiljaev P.V., Petrjakov S.A., Gostev A.N. New Engineering Designs in the Automatic Control System of Hot Rolling Mill 2000’s Thickness [Tehnicheskie reshenija v sisteme avtomaticheskogo regulirovanija tolshhiny stana 2000 gorjachej prokatki]. Izvestija vuzov. Elektromehanika, 2011, no 4, pp. 41–45.
Hramshin V.R. System of Automatic Correction Speeds of Electric Drives Stands of the Broad- Strip Hot Rolling Mill, Bulletin of South Ural State University. Series “Power Engineering”, 2012, no. 37 (296), pp. 60–67.
Galkin V.V., Petrjakov S.A., Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R. Automatic Correction of the Strip Head Section Thickness in a Hydraulic System of Automatic Control of Wide-Strip Hot Mill [Avtomaticheskaja korrekcija tolshhiny golovnogo uchastka polosy v gidravlicheskoj sisteme avtomaticheskogo regulirovanija tolshhiny shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki], Izvestija vuzov. Elektromehanika, 2011, no 4, pp. 46–50.
Karandaev A.S., Radionov A.A., Hramshin V.R., Gostev A.N. Correction Method Capture Rates in a Continuous Strip Subgroup Stands Broadband Hot Rolling Mill [Sposob korrekcii skorostej zahvata polosy v nepreryvnoj podgruppe kletej shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov «Elektrotehnicheskie sistemy i kompleksy » [Interuniversity Collection of Scientific Papers "Electrical Systems and Complexes"], Magnitogorsk, MGTU, 2012, vol. 20, pp. 141–149.
Hramshin V.R., Petrjakov S.A. Automatic Correction of the Thickness of the Strip Rolling Mill on Broadband [Avtomaticheskaja korrekcija tolshhiny polosy pri prokatke na shirokopolosnom prokatnom stane]. Sbornik dokladom V-j Mezhdunarodnoj molodezhnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii "Tinchurinskie chtenija" [Collection Report V-th International Youth Scientific Conference "Tinchurin Reading"], Kazan, 2010, pp. 65 – 66.
Hramshin V.R. Ways of Compensation Static Deviations Speed the Electric Drive of the Broad-Strip Hot Rolling Mill, Electrical Engineering, 2013, no. 4, pp. 48–55.
Patent 117329 RU, B 21 B 37/48. Device for Correcting the Thickness of the Head Section Strip Finishing Mill Broadband Hot Rolling Mill [Ustrojstvo dlja korrekcii tolshhiny golovnogo uchastka polosy v chistovoj kleti shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki], Hramshin V.R., Karandaev A.S., Petrjakov S.A., Galkin V.V., Hramshin R.R., Filed: March 05, 2012; Date of Patent: June 27, 2012.
Hramshin V.R., Karandaev A.S., Petrjakov S.A. Removal of the Head Portion Gage Strip Hot Rolling Mill [Ustranenie raznotolshhinnosti golovnogo uchastka polosy na stane gorjachej prokatki]. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov «Elektrotehnicheskie sistemy i kompleksy» [Interuniversity Collection of Scientific Papers "Electrical Systems and Complexes"], Magnitogorsk, MGTU, 2011, vol. 19, pp. 159–163.
Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Galkin V.V., Lukin A.A. Mathematical Modelling of Thyristor Drive with Switched Structure [Matematicheskoe modelirovanie tiristornogo jelektroprivoda s perekljuchajushhejsja strukturoj]. Izvestija vuzov. Elektromehanika., 2010, no. 3, pp. 47–53.
Hramshin V.R., Lukin A.A. Development of a Two-Zone Thyristor Speed Control with Improved Performance [Razrabotka tiristornyh jelektroprivodov s dvuhzonnym regulirovaniem skorosti s uluchshennymi jenergeticheskimi pokazateljami]. Sbornik dokladom Vj Mezhdunarodnoj molodezhnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii "Tinchurinskie chtenija" [Collection Report V-th International Youth Scientific Conference "Tinchurin Reading"], Kazan, 2010, pp. 72–73.
Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Lukin A.A., Shurygina G.V., Golovin V.V. Experimental Researches of Two-Zonal Speed Control Thyristor Electric Drives with Improved Energy Characteristics [Eksperimentalnye issledovanija tiristornyh jelektroprivodov s dvuhzonnym regulirovaniem skorosti s uluchshennymi jenergeticheskimi harakteristikami]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Series Power Engineering, 2010, no. 14, pp. 67–72.
Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Petrjakov S.A. The Servo-Mechanism of Automatic Control Strip Gage of the Hot-Rolling Mill [Sledjashhaja sistema avtomaticheskogo regulirovanija tolshhiny polosy stana gorjachej prokatki]. Vestnik MGTU. [Vestnik MGTU]. Magnitogorsk, MGTU, 2011, no. 3, pp. 25–29.
Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Andrjushin A.Ju., Golovin V.V., Shiljaev P.V. Mathematical Modeling of Interconnected Electromechanical System of Stand Interspace of Hot-Strip Rolling Mills [Matematicheskoe modelirovanie vzaimosvjazannyh jelektromehanicheskih sistem mezhkletevogo promezhutka shirokopolosnogo stana gorjachej prokatki]. Izvestija vuzov. Elektromehanika, 2009, no. 1, pp. 12–20.
Karandaev A.S., Radionov A.A., Hramshin V.R., Andrjushin I.Ju., Gostev A.N. Improvement of Automatic Control Thickness Wide Hot Rolling Mill [Soglasovanie skorostnyh rezhimov jelektroprivodov kletej nepreryvnoj gruppy prokatnogo stana]. Vestnik IGJeU [Journal ISPU], 2013, no. 1, pp. 98–103.
Karandaev A.S., Hramshin V.R., Andrjushin I.Ju., Golovin V.V., Petrjakov S.A. New Technical Solutions in Electric Drives and Control Systems of Technological Parameters of Hot Rolling Mills [Novye tehnicheskie reshenija v jelektroprivodah i sistemah regulirovanija tehnologicheskih parametrov stanov gorjachej prokatki]. Izvestija TulGU. Tehnicheskie nauki [Proceedings of the TSU. Engineering], 2010, no. 3, vol. 2, pp. 34–40.
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