Новый рабочий цикл двухкатушечной синхронной электромаг-нитной машины с инерционным реверсом бойка
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Usanov K.M., Ugarov G.G., Moshkin V.I. Lineynyy impul'snyy elektromagnitnyy privod mashin s avtonomnym pitaniem [Linear Pulse Electromagnetic Drive Machine with Battery]. Kurgan, Kurgan University Publ., 2006. 284 p.
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Neyman V.Yu., Neyman L.A., Petrova A.A. [On the Method to the Choice of Solenoid for the Construc-tive Factor]. Nauchnye problemy transporta Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka [Transport Scientific Problems in Siberia and Far East], 2011, no. 2, pp. 310–313. (in Russ.)
Neyman L.A., Neyman V.Yu. [Application of the Method to Account for the Strength of the Conduc-tivities Unilateral Asymmetric Magnetic Attraction of the Electromagnet]. Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2015, no. 2 (97), pp. 214–218.
(in Russ.)
Neyman L.A, Neyman V.Yu., Shabanov A.S. [Simplified Calculation of the Electromagnetic Shock Drive Intermittent Operation]. Russian Electrical Engineering, 2014, no. 12, pp. 50–53. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.3103/S1068371214120104
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Neyman V.Yu., Neyman L.A., Petrova A.A. [The Indicator of the Power Efficiency of an Electromagnet DC through Simulation of the Magnetic Field]. Transport: nauka, tekhnika, upravlenie [Transport: Science, Tech-nology, Management], 2008, no. 6, pp. 21–24. (in Russ.)
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Ryashentsev N.P., Ugarov G.G., Fedonin V.N., Malov A.T. Elektroprivod s lineynymi elektromagnitnymi dvigatelyami [Electrodrive with Linear Electromagnetic Motor]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1981. 150 p.
Neyman V.Yu., Skotnikov A.A., Neyman L.A., Smirnova Yu.B. Sposob upravleniya dvukhkatushechnym elektromagnitnym dvigatelem udarnogo deystviya [A Method of Controlling an Electromagnetic Motor Two-winding Percussion]. Patent RF 2472243 RF, no. 2011123809/07; decl. 10.06.2011; publ. 10.01.2013, Bul. no. 1.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14529/power160210
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