Economics and Management

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Bulletin of South Ural State University, Series “Economics and Management” is established in 2007. Nowadays it has publications four times a year.

Basic objective of «Bulletin of SUSU. Series «Economics and Management» is to contribute to the development of modern science by means of the results of fundamental and applied research broadening understanding of the most important problems in the sphere of economy, management, entrepreneurship, investment management, innovations, quality of goods and services to develop human resources of the Russian economy, provision of wide distribution and promotion of the results of research of a high quality among the specialists and their use in modern business.

The results of research are introduced in the form of review papers, original articles and short reports (for young scientists, Master’s degree students and postgraduate students).

We are looking to cooperate with the authors, sharing objectives and goals of Bulletin of SUSU. Series «Economics and Management».

Executive editor