The central choirs singers’ social status, everyday life and moral customs in the Russian state oF 16th—17th centuries

Николай Павлович Парфентьев


The article continues the study of the social status and related features of the life and activity
of the professional Tsar’s and patriarchal choirs’ singers. According to the author, the totality of the
installed data (activities, principles of recruitment, types of salary and salary system, legal status)
indicated that the Tsar’s and patriarch’s choristers were included in the category of service class peo-
ple (“sluzhilye lyudi”). Retiring from the choir, they often entered or transferred to such positions or
ranks in the state apparatus, such as duma or department diaki, boyar’s children. The obtained data
on the peculiarities of every day life and morals, behavior in home life and society allow to specify
the social status of these masters.

Ключевые слова

Mоscow state, service class people, Tsar’s singing diaki, patriarch’s singers, social identification, life and manners, customs

Полный текст:



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