Education. Educational sciences

The journal was created in the period of the Russian educational system reforming accompanied by the rapid development of all sections and levels of pedagogical science, from its methodological bases to the practice-oriented models of educational innovations.

This is reflected in the structure of the journal and in the criteria for choosing articles that guide the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board of the journal reviews the articles in accordance with the principles of humanism, consistency and synergy. The authors of the journal are required to provide the results of their research carried out in accordance with the humanistic methodology taking into account the diversity of conditions and factors of education. Along with the above principles one of the leading methodological basis, which is the competence-based approach in teaching and education, is taken into account.

The Editorial Board is guided by the following ideas.

1. A person's education has a continuous nature and concerns all the spheres of his life. Education is provided not only by educational institutions, but also by the family, society, cultural organizations, etc. Therefore, we consider education in the interaction of its formal, non-formal and informal types. So, the continuity of education is achieved by the unity and mutual complement of basic and additional  education.

2. All the educational components and outcomes are closely related to the  socio-cultural stratification of the society. Therefore, it is advisable to explore the formation of a certain level of education considering it in connection with the entire system of continuous life-long education of an individual.

The relationships with the partners in education actualizes the study of the network forms of educational programs which are regulated by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" and by the Federal State Educational Standards. The research foundations of network educational programs are one of the issues supported by the Editorial Board of the journal.

3. The entry of Russia into the global educational system increases the attention of the Editorial Board of the journal to the international cooperation in the sphere of education: the design and implementation of international educational programs, management of these processes, the preparation of the subjects of education to participate in them.

4. The influence of economic factors on education has both positive (stimulating the activity of education) and negative (decreased attention to the quality of education) aspects. To mitigate the negative aspects it is advisable to find the ways to improve the quality of education in all its forms and  at all the levels.


To develop the ideas mentioned above the journal suggests the following sections:

  • Information
  • Methodological foundations of Pedagogy
  • The theory and practice of education management
  • General education problems
  • Theory and practice of professional education
  • Brief reports
  • Research work of students


Each issue of the journal is devoted to one of the most pressing issues of our time (link to "Topics")


Оn behalf of the  Editorial Board I invite authors to cooperation.


Editor-in-Chief Kotlyarova Irina Olegovna