Комбинированная система позиционного управления с задающей моделью третьего порядка
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Полный текст:
Chermalykh V.M., Afanas'ev Yu.A., Chermalykh T.V. [Construction of Adaptive Positional Control Systems of Electric Machines and Plants]. Izv.vuzov. Gornyyzhurnal [Proceedings of the Universities. Mining Journal], 1992, no. 10, pp. 73–77. (in Russ.)
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the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Mining Electrical and Automation], 1993, no. 24, pp. 20–29. (in Russ.)
Chermalykh T.V., Makhdi Khaled, Shabo Kamil. [Optimal Control Systems of Positional ThyristorElectric Drive with a Multi-Channel Defining Model]. Institut elektrodinamiki NAN Ukrainy, 1994, pp. 10–11. (in Russ.)
Butkovskiy A.G [Optimal Control of Systemswith Distributed Parameters]. Tezisy dokladov na vtorom mezhdunarodnom kongresse IFAK, Moscow, 1963. 17 p. (in Russ.)
Butkovskiy A.G. Kharakteristiki sistem s raspredelennymi parametrami: spravochnoe posobie [Characteristics of Systems with Distributed Parameters: a Reference Guide]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1979. 224 p.
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