Almandeel Munther


A company’s interest in the role of human resources while building the brand, which is directly related to promoting the company’s reputation when/after being rendered a service, especially increased after administrators’ taking interest in the sphere of employees influence on internal and external environment, as “employees” represent a customer from within the organization. Despite the interest from this point of view, the research shows that many heads still have not understood how to use it to achieve better reputation outcome and, thus, how to gain competitive advantages for their company. The purpose of this article is to analyze the factors that influence a brand through reputation and employee satisfaction with a company’s activity. These factors have always been directly associated with a brand in order to demonstrate a company's successful marketing strategies. Reputation is also tightly connected to the relationships and interactions between the parties involved, namely between the consumers and the company's representatives. These interactions represent customers’ trust and loyalty to the company, caused by such factors.

Ключевые слова

brand; reputation; employee satisfaction; brand equity; customer loyalty.

Полный текст:



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